Clinically-orientated with a quick reference list of cardiovascular conditions Builds on the basic knowledge outlined in the classic ECG Made Easy Emphasises the individuality of every ECG and uses full lead ECG recordings to provide a realistic reproduction of the clinical environment.
The unique page size allows presentation of all lead ECGs across a single page for clarity. Each chapter begins with a brief account of the relevant history and examination and ends with a short account of what might be done once the ECG has been interpreted.
Now integrated throughout the book is text on electrophysiology and electrical devices. With pacemakers and implanted defibrillators now common among patients on general medical take, this material guides the reader in recognising their purpose and making a preliminary analysis of any malfunction. It attempts to go beyond the typical ECGs, describing the variations seen in health and disease and emphasizes ECG interpretation in the light of the individual subject. The third edition of Practice ECGs: Interpretation and Review combines practice tracings with clinical cardiology, providing students with the practical knowledge necessary to read, interpret, and understand ECGs.
This essential review book is organized into three sections: introductory text reviewing ECG diagnostic criteria, pathophysiology, and clinical correlation; ECG tracings with a brief clinical history; and interpretation and teaching points for each of the ECGs. Shows how the electrocardiogram is used to aid the diagnosis of patients with cardiovascular disease. This book contains chapters that begin with a brief consideration of the history and examination of the patient to assist the doctor in planning how to use the ECG in better way.
This book is intended to build upon the topics covered in Starting to Read ECGs: The Basics thus allowing the reader to enhance their previous knowledge.
Additional topics covered include a detailed look at calculating cardiac axis, an area often considered difficult to grasp, and alternative methods such as the various ways the heart rate can be calculated, the different criteria for determining LVH. Technical details about specific cardiac conditions, how to interpret pediatric ECGs, and the effect of medical devices on the ECG will also be discussed. Plentiful diagrams, tables and colour images used throughout to illustrate complex points in a simple and easy to understand way.
The key facts section at the end of each chapter highlights the most important information and summary tables are provided to allow the book to be used as a quick reference guide. Each chapter will contain a mind map for revision and to aid dyslexic learners, practice questions and a few practice ECGs to consolidate the readers knowledge. The book tells the practitioner what they need to know clinically and doesn't assume any prior knowledge.
It is ideal for junior doctors and clinicians, nurses, paramedics, students and health care professionals involved in the recording of lead ECGs. Over the last century the ECG has been used by clinicians to make major clinical decisions with regard to electric pacing, the use of thrombolytic drugs in acute myocardial infarction and the timing of surgery.
In conjunction with a chest X-ray and the echocardiogram it is a fundamental part of the initial investigation of a patient with suspected heart disease. These electrical squiggles have always been difficult for students to understand. In part the problem has been that the formatting of the ECG has only become standard in the last two decades. Some important books have not provided the full twelve-lead ECG. On occasion the interpretation of the ECG has been related to complex explanations of the shapes of the electrical signals.
For the practising physician much of the interpretation is a matter of pattern recognition. For over forty years The ECG Made Easy has been regarded as the best introductory guide to the ECG, with sales of over half a million copies as well as being translated into more than a dozen languages. Hailed by the British Medical Journal as a "medical classic", it has been a favourite of generations of medical and health care staff who require clear, basic knowledge about the ECG.
It directs users of the electrocardiogram to straightforward and accurate identification of normal and abnormal ECG patterns.
A practical and highly informative guide to a difficult subject. Provides a full understanding of the ECG in the diagnosis and management of abnormal cardiac rhythms. Emphasises the role of the full 12 lead ECG with realistic reproduction of recordings.
The unique page size allows presentation of lead ECGs across a single page for clarity. The second part explains the theory underpinning the recording of an ECG in order to start basic interpretation of the 12 leads. The third part looks at the clinical interpretation of individual ECGs in patients with chest pain, breathlessness, palpitations and syncope as well as understanding the normal variations in ECGs recorded from healthy subjects.
New edition helping trainees recognise, interpret and diagnose cardiac abnormalities. Covers normal and abnormal ECG patterns. Includes ECG tracings for trainees to practise. This uniquely designed text outlines a step-by-step approach that systematically guides you through lead ECG analysis and provides completed interpretations in the analysis section for immediate feedback.
Actual patient tracings, focused analysis technique, and physician reviewed interpretations are combined to reinforce and advance your skills in lead ECG analysis. In this concise and practical review, the authors recognize that among the range of cardiac investigations available to veterinarians, the standard electrocardiogram ECG is an indispensable, safe and inexpensive test in assessing dogs and cats with heart disease. Following discussion of the principles of electrocardiography, the book systematically explores the evaluation of the ECG—including determination of heart rate, measurement of intervals, derivation of the mean electrical axis, and criteria for atrial and ventricular enlargement or hypertrophy.
It also examines intraventricular conduction disturbances and both normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms. We also do not have links that lead to sites DMCA copyright infringement. If You feel that this book is belong to you and you want to unpublish it, Please Contact us.
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